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Everything You Need to Know About Vape Coil

Coil replacement is a fundamental aspect of vaping. It’s the cost of enjoying vape mods‘ efficacy and portability. Maintaining your mod by swapping out old coils regularly will increase the device’s longevity. Putting off replacing your coil will force you to purchase a new vape mod sooner than you’d want.

Experienced vapers know well well what happens when they attempt to use a coil over its intended lifetime. A vaping session ruined by a burned-out coil is an unpleasant one, therefore it’s important to always have a spare on hand. Coils are quickly used up by vapers, so it’s important to have a good supply on hand.

This page will explain why your coil may have burned out sooner than typical, how to spot a dead coil, and how to install a new one.

The Complete Guide to Vaping Coils

When it comes to vaping, the flavor is all in the coil. Many first-time vapers quit because they used a coil for too long and couldn’t stand the flavor, not realizing that it was avoidable.

You may find the coils (which are made up of wire and wick) within the cartridge of your mod. Resistance wire is used to make coils, which are then wrapped in cotton before being encased in fiberglass or synthetic foam. First, the wick absorbs the e-Juice, and then the coil vaporizes the liquid.

In comparison to an atomizer, vape coils are more efficient.

The phrases coil and atomizer are sometimes used interchangeably, however they have different purposes. People often confuse the two without realizing there is a difference. Anything that turns liquid into a mist is technically an atomizer. In the realm of e-cigarettes, the term “atomizer” may refer either to the coil that heats your e-Juice before it is vaporized, or to the complete device that houses the coil. Don’t be shocked if the replacement coils you find are really referred to as “atomizers.”

How long do vape coils last?

Coils are not designed to live forever. They will ultimately fail due to the constant cycling between high and low temperatures. It all depends on how you treat your vaping equipment, however there are ways to shorten its lifespan.

Many times, the rapid wear and tear on coils may be traced back to the practice of “chain vaping,” or taking many hits in rapid succession. Another way to dry up your wick is to take many pulls from your device in a short period of time. This prevents the wick from soaking up the right quantity of e-Juice.

To extend the life of your coil and wick, wait at least 30 seconds between puffs.

When should I change the coil in my vape?

Replacing your coil is a regular occurrence. It may need to be replaced as regularly as once a week or as seldom as once a month, depending on how often you vape. More frequent vaping implies more frequent coil replacement, but even infrequent users should change their coils at least once a month.

Here are several warnings that it’s time to swap out your vape coil.

Keep a watch out for these four symptoms that your coil has reached the end of its life to avoid vaping with a broken coil (or replacing a perfectly fine one).

  1. A burning taste

A bitter, burning flavor will develop if you continue to vape on a dead coil. This flavor usually destroys your hit since it is so awful. If you notice a bad taste when vaping, stop immediately. This is not something you should bother with. Inadvertently striking a worn-out coil won’t cause permanent damage, but it’s still best to avoid doing so often. It’s possible to be exposed to heavy metals if you use a coil over its intended lifetime and the vape starts to burn the coil. Want to extend the life of your coil? If your vape begins to taste funny, you may be able to save the coil by giving it a good cleaning. Depending on the gadget you have, you may or may not be able to clean the coil. Even if cleaning the coil could put off replacing it for a week or so, it will still need to be done at some point.

  • Constant gurgling

The sound of gurgling is not desirable while vaping. Any time you hear gurgling, it’s best to check it out right away. The simplest fix for gurgling sounds is to replace the coil, however this isn’t always the best course of action. After replacing the coil, if your vape still makes gurgling sounds, it’s a clue that something else is wrong with it.

  • Flavorless or otherwise subpar e-juice

In many cases, this is the first step toward a burned flavor. A worn coil may alter the taste of your e-liquid. Generally, this will be more noticeable with tastes that you are already used to. An indicator that your coil is about to die is a change in flavor profile, such as a less pleasing lemonade flavor.

Even while a faulty bottle of e-Juice is always a possibility, a dead coil is more likely to be the cause of your vaping woes. Burnt-out vape coils might also reduce the taste of your e-Juice. One of the signs of a dead coil is a lack of taste, especially toward the end of the session.

Last but not least, a problem with taste mixing due to old vape coils. If you’ve just switched from lemonade to mint e-Juice but find that the two flavors clash horribly, the coil might be to cause. To prevent this issue altogether, many vapers replace their vape coils whenever they switch flavors.

  • Producing little to no vapor

Your coil’s vapor output will decrease with time. At the end of your coil’s life, the amount of vapor produced will be much less than normal. If you’ve seen a drastic decline in the quality of your cloud chasing, an outdated coil may be to blame. When the vapor production begins to decrease, it is up to the user to decide whether to replace the coil immediately or wait for further symptoms to show.

A weak vapor output might be the consequence of a failing battery. Before you replace the complete coil, check the battery life to make sure your gadget isn’t about to shut off. Is the device no longer charging? It’s possible that you need a new battery for your mod.

Follow these 5 simple steps to change your vape coil like a pro

Switching to mods from disposable cig-a-likes means learning a new skill, like as replacing a coil. You’ll quickly become an expert at what is, thankfully, a relatively straightforward procedure.

  1. Remove the parts from your vaporizer.

In order to swap out the vape coils, you will need to take your vape completely apart. Don’t worry; it’s not as difficult as it sounds. Check your vape’s handbook for specifics, but usually you only have to detach the tank from the vape’s base. If you want to avoid getting e-Juice on your hands when handling your gadget, you may wish to cover it in a paper towel. The next step in removing your tank is to turn it upside down and counterclockwise.

  • The tank must be empty.

If you want to change your coil when there’s almost no power left in your tank, go ahead and do it now. The vape juice may be discarded in the garbage. If you really want to be cautious, you may pour it into a little bag of anything very absorbent, like cat litter, and then dispose of the bag.

  • Soak the wicking material in water before using your new coil.

A fresh coil should be primed before use to prevent the wick from catching fire. Instead, depending on the size of your coil, presaturate your fresh wick with 5-10 drops of e-Liquid. To prevent any unpleasant taste surprises, you should only use the e-Juice that you want to refill your tank with.

  • Transpose the coils

The coil may be removed by unscrewing it from the base of the gadget. Now you may switch it out with the fresh, wet coil. You may keep using the paper towel as necessary to maintain clean hands.

  • Substitute and refuel.

After installing the replacement coil, just screw the tank back onto the vaporizer. The next step is to add your favourite e-Liquid to the tank. You may vape freely with a brand new coil and some new e-Juice.